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Louisiana Hauntings
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Myrtle's Plantation As with many other haunted places, the Myrtles is built on top of old Indian burial grounds - the Tunicas in this case. The house has been the site of numerous untimely deaths, and most of the spirit activity reported seems to relate to people who lived and died here in the past. Spirit entities reported include that of Chloe, a slave who led a rather harsh life, first having her ear cut off for eavesdropping (after which she always wore a turban), then accidentally killing her master's children, and finally being killed herself by other slaves. Other untimely demises with associated spirit activity include a stabbing, a shooting, a death from yellow fever, and various other homicides. Phenomena at this site includes the sounds and apparitions of children laughing and playing, a grand piano playing by itself, full apparitions of the turbined slave woman, an apparition of a voodoo priestess, the voice of a man who tells patrons to leave, disembodied hands, and items floating in the air. Two odd sightings with no apparent origins as far as known inhabitants of the house involve a young ballerina who is sighted dancing about a foot off the ground, and a well-endowed naked Indian girl who is seen near the gazebo in the back yard. Myrtle's Plantation is about 30 miles north of Baton Rouge on the outskirts of St. Francisville. It is a bed and breakfast, but daytime tours can also be arranged. The address is 7747 Highway 61, St. Francisville, LA (225-635-6277).
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