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Famous Couples and Astrological Compatibility Questions and the answers you can expect from each zodiac sign Table of Contents
General Astrological Traits
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Can you buy flagyl over the counter in australia ? anon96679 Post 9 My partner was having the same problem, he has all the symptoms; but when he has them, his test is negative. He got tested for hepatitis C at a clinic in his area and it did not detect any in his blood. He has been using flagyl for years and it has not had any side effects. anon96400 Post 8 i have had a few infections that were caught on a test at the health care provider. When i first took it got a very high test. They also ran a test on my mom's blood and her was negative. Now i want to know can flagyl (meprobamate) cause this? anon94580 Post 7 i was looking online and found an article about infection and what could happen to you if test positive for flagyl. I'm a 17 year old girl that was tested positive for flagyl and had her blood tested by a lab in new york. The results are as followed: C-type: 0.5, A, D, and E. As can be seen from the test, test drugstore gift card discount was positive for Meprobamate. I don't know anyone that has the meprobamate in their blood. I don't know how can get it on my own but i'm sure it's bad. never good when people say they got meprobamate. anon94459 Post 6 I have been taking flagyl for 5 months and it has been helping. I have tested at a local clinic in New York and was negative for Hepatitian B and it's also been positive for hepatitis B. I have not been on the drug long but I am on a very low dosage of 25mg. When I was tested had a very high level of C-type. If I get this back to normal it is all going to go away. I don't know what to do with this news. It's been a terrible experience. I feel like have to go through a lot of testing to find out what is going on. I have also had a lot of bad things happen to me. I'm having nightmares and are difficulty concentrating. I am worried that have something on my own that I need to get checked out on. anon93250 Post 5 I have been taking flagyl since April 2, 2004 and have tested positive for Hepatitis C. I got the results by blood test and it was a positive result. I have never been on the drug for more than a week and I was tested by the same lab. I have never been to any other doctor besides the one that was doing my blood tests. anon92857 Post 4 I have been taking flagyl and co-codamol for the past five months and have had my first blood test. I am negative for Hepatitis B, C and C. I have been on the drug for eight months. I am a recent transplant patient with Hepatitis C. I went to the emergency room a couple of times and was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Both times the blood work and tests came back negative for hepatitis. I would do everything possible to get the drug or a different remedy but I feel the only way to get drug is can you buy flagyl in stores wait for a liver transplant. I am worried about the Flagyl er $0.34 - pills Per pill long-term effects of drug. I would hate to have be on the drug for rest of my life. anon91856 Post 3 I had a negative blood test result for Hepatitis, but I took the medication and had a positive result. It was because I had a high liver-transplant positive result and was given the medicine. I didn't think about the possible side effects of medicine, but I now know something that didn't know. I am pregnant and because of this medication, my baby is negative for hepatitis. I would flagyl 500 buy like to get this cleared up. anon83451 Post 2 I am a new patient. First time taking the medication. Received a lot of positive results, but was tested for a drug called meprobamate. I am a nurse and have had lot of patients tested this year and did not receive any negative results for hepatitis C. I am a nurse and have never had a positive result for hepatitis C. I have only gone to a doctor once and was given an injection. anon79888 Post 1 I have been taking flagyl since mid-January. My last two (2) blood tests, including the one that came back negative for Hepatitis C, all came back positive for two different drugs, meprobamate and loperamide. I was tested in a New York laboratory and all of the results were negative. It is just very hard to understand why anyone would take these drugs.
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Practical uses for knowing the personality traits of the various zodiac signs and adjusting accordingly are limitless. Those who are dating should absolutely study their potential mate's zodiac sign for clues as to what they are really like. Certain signs are just not compatible, and the potential for failure is much higher with these couples. Employers could make good use of the basics of zodiac personalities to better fit prospective employees into their organizations, though most are totally unaware that this option is available. Friends, family, co-workers - every single person we come into contact with in our lives carries with them zodiac traits that could vastly help us in our understanding of them and how they think and react. Remember, however, that you are always in control of your own fate. If you were born under a sign that is stubborn, for instance, it is up to you to modify that trait in your own life so that it will not be a hindrance to you. Remember, these are general traits, and you have the power to change anything you don't like in your own personal profile. Having said that, there are certain terms that must be understood to fully reap the benefits of astrological profiling. First off, each zodiac sign is assigned a planet, or ruler with specific traits for each planet. The relationships of the planets to zodiac traits is complex, with big differences in outcome based on where the plant was at the time of birth. Note that two signs (Pisces and Scorpio) have two ruling planets. This is because the relatively modern discoveries of Neptune and Pluto had to be worked into the mix. A brief description of the meanings, both good and bad, are as follows: Sun - (Leo) The sun is the ruler of all the other plants. It is the giver of life. It represents the essence of self. This can good, bringing fame and wealth, or it can be bad, bringing pessimism or poverty. It is the most important planet in the zodiac. Moon - (Cancer) The moon represents the inner self, intuition, and subconscious mind. The moon can be a powerfully good force, but can also be an unstable, detrimental force particularly regarding the mind and thought processes, as alluded to in the term "lunatic." Mercury - (Gemini, Virgo) A fast, restless planet that is connected with intellect and communication. It can mean great communication and "mercurial success", or it can mean trickery and lies. Venus - (Taurus, Libra) As most of us already know, Venus rules love, beauty, attraction, and possessions. It can mean refinement and culture, or it can succumb to idleness and promiscuity Mars - (Aries, Scorpio) Mars is connected with energy and action. When controlled, it can mean steady progress towards the top through positive action, or it can mean violence and uncontrolled, impulsive energy. Jupiter - (Sagittarius, Pisces) As the biggest planet-type entity in the solar system, Jupiter is associated with luck, wealth, wisdom, and generosity. Alternatively, it can also be associated with excessiveness, greed, lies, and selfishness. Saturn - (Capricorn) Discipline and responsibility are the by-words for Saturn. In the good sense, a Saturn influence can mean fidelity in marriage, ambition, and success. Poorly influenced, it can mean inflexibility, selfishness, and lack of humor. Uranus - (Aquarius) Things that are unexpected will happen with a Uranus influence. Those with favorable aspects are independent and inventive, but under unfavorable aspects can be eccentric, stiff, and unreliable. Neptune - (Pisces) Spirituality, psychic ability, and intuition are hallmarks of those influenced by Neptune. However, if the influence is negative, expect deception, illusion, and secrets. Pluto - (Scorpio) When favorable, the influence of Pluto can mean regeneration, rebuilding, and transformation. Under unfavorable influence, Pluto can mean destruction and chaos. In addition to being ruled by the planets, each zodiac sig |