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Famous Couples & Astrological Compatibility |
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In conjunction with the compatibility chart within these pages, I have compiled a list of famous couples and their projected compatibilities and real-life outcomes to demonstrate the striking accuracy of basic astrological compatibility and the likelihood for success or failure in a committed relationship. Obviously, there are other factors to consider when making a life-changing decision such as marriage, but being aware of basic compatibility traits is certainly something that can be looked at to help us make more informed decisions. As you will note within the chart below, sometimes other factors come into play when compatibility issues are concerned, making the outcome not as ideal or as hopeless as it may look in the beginning. Fame, money, family, friends, lifestyles, addictions, and many other things can cause even an ideally situated astrological marriage to fail, and of course, hard work, compassion, understanding, and commitment can create a lasting union between what appears to be two totally unsuitable signs. Take for instance, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. Astrologically, this was a match made in heaven, but that's not the way it worked out. Big egos, self-indulgence, money, and many other factors came into play in this marriage, and though it lasted longer than any of us expected, it finally did fail. Presidents seem to make good choices in partners for the most part, and many presidential marriages are near perfect love stories. However, the ones who are not as well-suited astrologically seem to have more problems, such as the Clintons (we all know what happened there), and the Fords (Betty had some well-publicized issues). The chart below assigns likelihood of success in some well-known marriages and partnerships using the same four categories as in the compatibility chart. Excellent and Good compatibility ratings bode well for success. Maybe and Unlikely compatibility ratings are not doomed from the start, but usually do portend some rough roads ahead.
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